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Tue, Jan

Modern Stage of Development of the Faculty of Militia

The Faculty provides trainig of high-qualified specialists for criminal militia and militia of public safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for the State Control Committee and the Ministry of Defense.
Коллектив факультета милиции Академии МВД Республики Беларусь
The Faculty of Militia is located in the main educational buildings of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (6 Masherov Ave.). The training of personnel in the following specializations: "Jurisprudence" (specialization "Detective activity" and "Administrative and legal activity") and "Economic Law" (specialization "Detective activity") is carried out at the Academy.

The faculty includes three departments: the administrative activity of law enforcement agencies,detective activity, tactical and special training.

The drill part of the faculty consists of training and combat units (courses), which is charged by the heads of the courses and their deputies, who directly organize the educational work.

The future lawyers study humanities (philosophy, history, foreign language, etc.), legal sciences (administrative law, civil law, constitutional law, criminal law, etc.), special disciplines (deetective activity, psychology, criminalistics, fire training, etc.).

The general meetings are held every month, as well as at the end of the semester and each year in order to sum up the results academic, disciplinary and scientific-research students activity with the purpose to generalize and introduce positive experience in the educational process. Representatives of the management of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teaching staff, curators of training groups are invited to these meetings.

Each training group has its own educational audience, provided with all the necessary methodical and technical means of teaching. The curriculum is filled up with self-preparation classes under the guidance of the chair teachers and courses officers.