В преддверии праздника Победы курсанты факультета милиции организовали концерт в Республиканском интернате ветеранов войны и труда.
News of the Faculty of the Criminal militia
In honor of the holiday - the primacy of the faculty in basketball
An annual basketball championship was held at the Faculty of Militia, dedicated to the Day of the formation of Department for Combatting Economic Crimes.
The Faculty gathered 11 teams at the KVN games
On the eve of the New Year, the Faculty Of Militia held KVN games. The traditional competitions gathered teams of various courses.
Representatives of the Academy visited the schoolchildrens
Representatives of the faculty of militia of the Academy of the MIA became participants in a number of school events, among them an educational seminar.
Practitioners answer all your questions.
The faculty of militia held meetings with law enforcement officers. One of them was spent by the representative of the State traffic inspectorate.
Roman Damiev - the winner of the championship of the Academy of the MIA in sambo
В первенстве Академии МВД по самбо победила команда 3 «В» курса факультета милиции. Немалая заслуга в этом нашего чемпиона Романа Дамиева (на фото - второй справа).